Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Everything about Yellow Fever and Why Do You Need Travel Shots

Traveling to Africa or South America means preparing for traveling, money matters and more. How ever, one thing that majority of travelers forget are the yellow fever shots. Vaccinations are one of the most crucial part of the traveling. In NY, travel shots are necessary for the travelers going in the another country. 


What is yellow fever?

Yellow fever is a serious disease that is caused by a virus. This virus is found in the parts of Africa and South America and is spread through infected mosquito bite. To all the travellers going to Africa and South America, it is crucial to visit travel clinics and get the travel shots.

Symptoms of yellow fever

  • Not taking yellow fever shots can cause:
  • Fever and flu-like symptoms
  • Jaundice (yellow skin or eyes)
  • Bleeding from numerous body parts
  • Liver, kidney, respiratory and other organ failure
  • Death 

How can I prevent yellow fever?

The yellow fever can only be prevented with yellow fever shots. Getting timely vaccination before traveling ensures that traveler remains safe from the virus. After giving the vaccines, the travel clinics give a stamped and signed “International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis” (yellow card). The certificate becomes valid 10 days after shot and is good for 10 years.

Are you planning a trip abroad? Consult for the right vaccination at Travel Clinic of New York City. They are the leading travel clinic in the city.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Preventing Measles while Traveling Abroad

Most people love to spend their summer holidays with family in an exotic destination. However, traveler’s diseases such as measles are still common in many parts of the world. During your visit, you may expose to people having the disease and measles can lead to serious health complications. To avoid turning your fun and exciting trip into remorse, make sure you get your travel vaccine in NY a few weeks before boarding.

Common places for measles

The outbreaks of measles are still common in some parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. Every year, nearly 20 million people suffer from measles throughout the world.

How is measles spread?

Measles is one of the highly contagious diseases, which easily spreads to unvaccinated people. If unvaccinated people are exposed to a measle infected perfect, almost 90% of them will get measles.
Measles is an airborne disease, which spreads when an infected person coughs, breathes, or sneezes. So, that means you will get an infection if you live in the same room or place as a measle infected person. And, even after an infected person leaves the room, measles virus stays in the air for up to 2 hours.

Protection against measles

The best way to get oneself protected against measles is the MMR - measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. The children get two doses the first dose at 12 through 15 months old and the second dose at 4 through 6 years old.
You should get your travel shots in NY before leaving for your trip. Doctors recommend children of 12 months age or older should get two doses at least with a difference of 28 days. On the other hand, adolescents and adults who never had measles or been vaccinated should get two doses with 28 days of difference. And, for infants 6 to 11 months, they should get an early dose of MMR vaccine.

Signs and symptoms

While you’re abroad and once you’re back, look for symptoms of measles. Generally, measles begins with fever, running nose, cough, sore throat, and red eyes. These symptoms become visible nearly 7 to 14 days after the infection. Maybe three to five days after these symptoms, you will get red or reddish-brown rashes. Measles can also lead to other serious health complications, including pneumonia or encephalitis, and in severe cases death.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Top Tips for a Healthier Travel

Are you planning to travel abroad in a few months? Besides planning your trip, you should also get your travel vaccine a few weeks before boarding. You don’t want to ruin your holidays with an injury or illness. Nowadays, you can easily find travel vaccines in New York City, but make sure you choose the best and reliable clinic of your area. The following are some of the pre-trip tips for healthier travel.

Travel Vaccines - Travelclinicnyc
 Know the health risk of your destination - The first thing you need to do while planning a trip abroad is to determine the health recommendations of your destination from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Most of the travel clinics in NYC offer services such as prevention and vaccination of altitude sickness, mosquito-borne illnesses,  and traveler’s diarrhea.

Get vaccines and medications - The best way to have healthy travel while heading abroad is to get vaccinated to protect yourself and your family from illness and diseases, even for Europe, the Caribbean, and Mexico. However, typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, cholera, yellow fever, and traveler’s diarrhea are some of the common illnesses that you need vaccination for if traveling to South America or Asia. Regardless of the place you’re traveling to, you should get the proper vaccination done before boarding.

cholera, yellow fever, and traveler’s diarrhea

Seek the advice of your health care provider - If you have any ongoing health problem, schedule an appointment with your primary health care provider to discuss how to manage your condition while traveling. Changes such as environment, diet, and sleep patterns can worsen your health condition. So, do follow your doctor’s advice while abroad.

Take enough of prescription - Make sure you carry enough of your prescriptions that can stay till the last day of your trip and an extra for a week in case of an emergency or travel delays.

Prescriptions - Last Day of Your Trip

Check your health coverage abroad -  Before taking off, you need to find out whether your health insurance covers your health expenses while you’re away from the country. Even if you’re healthy, it is a great move to check your health coverage in advance.

Stock your travel health kit - No matter where you’re going, basic health essential such as bandages, sanitizer, moleskin, sunscreen, creams to prevent blisters, pain medicine, antibacterial ointment, antihistamines, and pepto bismol can offer a great help during your travel.

If you’re planning to travel overseas, make sure you get your travel shots as well as other traveling essentials before boarding. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Everything you need to know about altitude sickness

There are hundreds of people who die due to altitude sickness. There are various things that need to be understood before leaving for the high altitude places. Travel Shots in NY are one of the important ones as travel medicine protect an individual from fatal diseases. Besides this, there are some golden rules that one needs to know before planning a certain trip.
Important things to know about altitude sickness-
Altitude sickness is also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS). It is advisable not to ignore the condition of altitude sickness. Otherwise, you may need some expert medical emergency. It generally occurs when you travel to a high height place suddenly. As the environment of the higher altitude is completely different from the plain areas so the body takes time in adjusting to the weather and climate of that area. Everybody can't adopt it quickly. Breathing efficiently in that particular area is very difficult as the level of oxygen is very low. Age, physical fitness and gender react differently at higher altitude. It is not important that if one doesn't have a problem at one trip then he/she won't get the problem on the next trip.   
Symptoms of altitude sickness-
The symptoms of the higher altitude occur generally when an individual reach 3000m or more above the sea level. Some of the symptoms are-  
  • Loss of appetite
  • A headache
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea and vomiting
What to do to prevent altitude sickness?
There are certain rules and regulations that one must know before planning a trip to higher altitude. Don't reach the top of the place quickly, as the situation may become too worsen. It is recommended to train yourself so that your body adapt the environment easily. Generally, it takes a few days to adopt the new environment. In addition, avoid flying to the high altitude area. If you feel low while going upward, stop the tracking and take rest. If your health is getting low, then it is recommended to go down.
Having appropriate food is another important thing that you must take care of. Last but not least, avoid alcohol, smoking and do not forget to take travel vaccination before traveling to such areas. To know more about travel shots in NY, Contact Travel Clinic of New York City.


Friday, September 28, 2018

A Must Place To Visit Before Planning A Tour- Travel Clinic

Today wired or wireless communication is possible from any part of the world. This is one of the reasons so many people travel from one place to another even out of the countries. Some people travel for the business purposes and other travel to relax. It is extremely important to make the plan of any tour (inside the country or abroad) after taking all the precautions and one must know each and everything.
International travelers face many challenges while traveling and are always under the scare of some deadly diseases. This is the reason that one must consult the travel clinics before planning trip to any foreign destinations. This would help you in avoiding the nasty health-related surprises. The tendency of these risks become more when an individual is planning to visit some underdeveloped countries such as- Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Thailand, etc.
It is recommended by the experts that one must discuss the itinerary of their tour with the experts of the travel clinic before going to such place. Travel vaccines are specific immunizations given to travelers prior going to certain areas to protect them from acquiring serious, life-threatening diseases. Travel vaccines are divided into three categories, these are- routine vaccines, recommended vaccines, and required vaccines.

  • Routine Vaccines- Under the routine vaccines the basic immunizations are included. These are given to the children but require booster shots to boost the immunity level. As there are some diseases that are eradicated in some countries but still exists in some countries, for example- poliomyelitis. Some of the vaccines that are considered in this category are- pertussis, pneumococcal, tetanus, measles, hepatitis B and H, diphtheria, mumps,  polio, and rubella.
  • Recommended vaccines- Recommended vaccines target diseases that are common in congested areas where the sanitary facilities are poor. Some of the vaccines that are considered in this category are- hepatitis A, rabies, cholera, and typhoid fever vaccines, especially when traveling to Asia and South America.
  • Required Vaccines- Required vaccines are those which are necessary to take. In addition, certain countries require a certificate that certifies an individual that they have taken all necessary vaccines. 
Are you looking for the travel clinic in New York City? If yes, contact- Travel Clinic of New York. For more information, call- 212-686-5835

Friday, September 7, 2018

3 important things to know about Hepatitis

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus, which leads to inflammation of the liver and liver disease. In most of the cases, people suffering from hepatitis B don’t show any signs in the initial stage but may get a sudden decline in health later on. Usually, the recovery time is around six months. But, in some cases, the condition can become chronic and patients could be at a high risk of getting liver cancer and cirrhosis. Hence, it is important to diagnose early and seek proper medical treatment. Hepatitis B is also included in the travel shots. That means if you are traveling to the foreign country, you must take travel shots for hepatitis B to keep yourself safe during your trip.
  • Not all forms are related to risky habits - There is a misconception among people that all types of the virus are transmitted through the direct exchange of body fluids. And, out of the five different forms of hepatitis, some viruses are transferred through infected water or food, while type C spread through only blood and type B through blood and body fluids. At present, vaccines are available for only types A and B.   
  • Contaminated food and water are risky - Hepatitis A and E are considered acute forms of the viral disease, which means most of the people recover completely with no long-term damage. But, the infections may turn serious in people already having liver diseases. Hepatitis A and E are considered acute forms of the viral disease, which means most of the people recover completely with no long-term damage. But, the infections may turn serious in people already having liver diseases. Both viruses are spread by fecal-oral route - this is, consuming water or food that’s been infected by the feces of someone who has the virus. For those who are planning to travel to countries with poor sanitation, make sure you take vaccination 15-20 days before you take-off along with practicing good hygiene habits.
  • Most people don’t realize they have hepatitis - Often it is difficult to detect hepatitis in the initial stage because it starts out with mild, flu-like symptoms including fatigue, fever, and body aches. It may take weeks or months before you notice symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, skin rashes and the most prominent is yellowing of the eyes and skin known as jaundice. However, for some people, these signs may even take some years to develop, or they won’t show at all especially if it's hepatitis C.
If you are planning for a trip to a foreign country, it is highly advisable to consult a travel clinic to have the travel shots for hepatitis. Looking for the travel shots in New York? Consult- Travel Clinic of NYC.

Friday, August 31, 2018

5 Travel vaccines you need before heading up abroad

People who travel to other countries often come across health issues that they usually don't experience at home. In order to reduce the risks of getting seriously ill while traveling abroad, you need to find out the type of vaccination you need before visiting that particular country. Vaccines will keep you healthy and safe while you enjoy your holidays abroad. They are also necessary to make sure that you don’t bring along serious diseases to your home country. For this reason, most of the countries have introduced travel clinics to provide the travelers with travel vaccinations.
If you’re planning to travel overseas for a long period, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider or a licensed travel clinic to know which vaccine shots you need at least 4-6 months before you head-up.
  • Yellow fever - Yellow fever is spread through mosquito bites and can lead to kidney and liver failure. The 17D vaccine - yellow fever vaccine, is one of the few vaccines you require while traveling to countries such as Africa and Central and South America. You need to get this vaccination at least 10 days prior to your U.S. trip.
  • Measles - Measles can be found in some parts of the world, including the U.S. Most of the measles outbreaks in the U.S. have occurred by vaccinated people traveling or returning to the country. The disease can be easily transmitted from one person to another through coughing and sneezing.
  • Hepatitis A - It is a gastrointestinal illness transferred through contaminated water, food and soil. Hepatitis A is found in most part of the world hence, it is recommended to get Hepatitis A vaccine while traveling anywhere in the world.
  • Hepatitis B - Since Hepatitis B is transmitted through body fluids and blood, it is harder to get transferred as compared to Hepatitis A. But still, many of the developing, as well as developed countries, have this disease. It is a chronic infection, which can lead to liver cancer, liver failure, and even death. Travelers are recommended to get vaccinated even if they traveling within the U.S.
  • Tetanus - Getting tetanus vaccination is probably one of the most important things you need to do before taking off. Because the bacterium that causes tetanus is present in the soil, so it is better to take precaution before your skin face tear-off in an accident. The Tdap vaccine, which is a vaccine against tetanus as well as diphtheria and pertussis.
Want to know more about travel vaccines and travel clinics in New York?  Contact Travel Clinic of New York City. They offer all travel vaccines. 


Traveling can be challenging especially when you are traveling to a disease prone country. Thus, it’s crucial to get all the travel vaccine in New York before getting on the flight.
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