Thursday, May 30, 2019

3 Reasons To Visit A Doctor Before Traveling

Planning a trip overseas? You’re all prepped and excited about your vacation, but are you sure that you’re not missing out on something?
When traveling abroad, you are exposed to many life-threatening diseases such as yellow fever, rabies, typhoid and more. Getting immunized against such lethal diseases before traveling overseas should be on top of your priority list. 

You must visit a doctor that provides travel vaccines in NY and other preventive measures before you finally go abroad.
A certified and qualified doctor will suggest you the most suitable travel vaccines in NY.
Below Stated Are Three Reasons To Visit A Doctor Before Traveling.

  1. Getting vaccination: Vaccine recommendation is entirely dependent on the health of an individual. However, it is highly recommended to get travel vaccines when traveling to a foreign land. Your body might be prone to various bacterial infections and diseases when in a different country. To build the immunity, your doctor will suggest you to take travel vaccines such as yellow fever shots in NYC.

  1. Taking preventive measures if already sick: If you were sick and are still recovering, your doctor will analyze your condition and tell whether it is safe to travel or not. Your doctor will also tell about the precautions that you must take while traveling to a foreign country.

  1. Protection against various health condition: While traveling to a different country, your body might react differently to the weather conditions prevalent there. This can have a great impact on the immunity levels and you might ultimately fall sick. Getting travel vaccines will help you stay protected and healthy while traveling.

Vaccination will take time to build immunity in the human body. It is recommended to take the vaccines such as yellow fever shots in NYC at a gap of 4-6 weeks before traveling. This will help administer the reactions of the vaccination if any.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Top Reasons To Get Travel Vaccines

Are you planning a vacation to a distant exotic location? If so, it is important to get travel vaccination before you leave for holidays. You might be prone to a number of diseases while traveling to foreign lands. It is thus beneficial to take preventive measures against such diseases before leaving. Schedule your NYC travel vaccinations today and safeguard yourself against harmful diseases.

 Here are top reasons to get travel vaccination.

  1. Risks of acquiring a contagious disease: If you are traveling abroad, you might be at a risk of getting a plethora of diseases. Your immune system might not be prepared to fight against these diseases, which may cause you to fall sick on your vacation. So it’s extremely important to get prior travel vaccinations.  .
  1. Avoid problems while returning: In some countries, it is mandatory to get travel vaccination such as yellow fever shots before entering. Without getting prior vaccination, you might experience difficulties while coming back to your home country.
  1. Budget friendly options: When you skip crucial travel vaccines before traveling abroad, you are vulnerable to all soughts of life-threatening diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and more. Also, if you fall sick in a foreign country, you will have to spend a lot of money on getting the right medical facilities to get well. Getting travel vaccination well in advance can help you avoid all extra costs.
Are you looking for NYC travel vaccinations? Consult the professionals at Travel Clinics Of New York City. For more information, call at  212-686-5835

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pre Travel Vaccination Guide For U.S. Travellers

Getting vaccinated is probably the last thing on any travelers mind. While planning the vacation of your dreams, you might ignore the most important part of your travel plan, i.e. getting travel vaccines for a safe vacation. 

Getting vaccinated is a wise investment that reduces the risk of getting exposed to life-threatening disease while traveling to a different location. Being a traveller, it is the duty of the individual to keep tab on all immunization practices. While traveling outside your home country, you might get prone to various diseases. These diseases can be easily prevented with the use of vaccines and various medications.

There are various types of travel vaccines available such as the rabies vaccine, the Japanese encephalitis vaccine, and the typhoid vaccine that you can get before traveling.

However, where you are traveling determines the type of travel vaccine required.

It is therefore recommended to consult a learned and experienced healthcare expert before you go for individual medical tests.

Below mentioned are some tips that a traveler must keep in mind before taking off.

  1. Conducting research before traveling: It is obvious that getting immune against a disease with the help of vaccination is the ideal solution. However, getting acquainted with preventive measures can also prove to be very helpful. It is advised to conduct research before traveling to a different location and stopping mid-way at a medical clinic to get prior vaccination. Plan according to the activities that you will be performing.
  1. Making use of various online tools: It is important to make use of various tools and resources available online. You can make use of the following resources:
    1. Vaccinations according to the location and destination
    2. Healthcare notices pertaining to traveling
    3. The list of communicable and non-communicable diseases
    4. Making use of travel advisories as per destination
  1. Maintenance of hygiene while traveling: It is essential to carry an emergency travel kit along while vacationing on foreign lands. There are a lot of factors such as environment, days of stay, and the activities that you will be performing that determine your personal well being. It is therefore of utmost importance to always carry an emergency travel kit. A travel emergency kit consists of supplies such as mosquito repellents, over the counter medicines, and various other personal hygiene items.
  1. List of vaccines for U.S. travelers: Below stated are some vaccinations for U.S. travelers
    1. Typhoid
    2. Meningococcal disease
    3. Hepatitis A
    4. Hepatitis B
    5. Rabies
    6. Japanese encephalitis
    7. Yellow fever
Who are we?
We, at the Travel Clinics Of New York, are expert in lending health services pertaining to immunizations, wellness, and vaccination services. We guarantee that with the help of travel vaccinations, you will be able to enjoy your vacation rather than falling sick on a foreign land. Our doctors have years of experience in imparting professional healthcare and immunization advice that will make your international traveling experience worthy.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Travel Vaccinations NYC | Travel Clinic | Travel Vaccines NY


Friday, May 3, 2019

Travel Vaccine New York


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Things you Need to know about Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines

Japanese Encephalitis is a serious infection which is caused by a virus, and most people with JE don’t show any symptoms or show very mild symptoms. Only 1 in 250 people will have more serious symptoms, such as:
  • Headache
  • High fever
  • Seizures
  • Throwing up
  • Paralysis 
  • Feeling dizzy 
It is more common in most parts of Asia and usually spread between mosquitoes and animals like wading birds and pigs. A human gets an infection if get bitten by an infected mosquito. However, the infection cannot spread from one person to another. For this reason, if you’re planning a trip to Asia, you need to get yourself and your family vaccinated with JE vaccine before boarding. There are several travel clinics that offer travel shots in NY, but you must choose the most reliable one.

What is the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine?

It is an inactivated vaccine, which is effective against Japanese Encephalitis. Generally, it is a two-dose vaccine that needs to be administered with a gap of at least 4 weeks. However, the second dose must be administered at least a week before traveling.

Is Japanese Encephalitis vaccine?

People with encephalitis may have to face serious complications, such as paralysis, seizures, brain damage, and death as well. If you’re planning a trip to any parts of Asia, getting your vaccinated in-advance is mandatory.

Who is the right candidate to get Japanese Encephalitis vaccine?

People who are traveling to Asia with 17 years and more, especially in rural areas where JP is more common.

Who are at higher risk of getting exposure to JE a year after the first vaccination.

Laboratory workers who are constantly getting exposed to the Japanese encephalitis virus.

Who should avoid the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine?

People having moderate or severe illness, including flu, severe cold or sinuses or lungs infection.

People who have the tendency to develop a rash or wheeze after taking certain medications or being stung by a wasp.

Person who have suffered from a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction to the vaccine or any other ingredient in the vaccine.

These are some of the things you need to know about Japanese Encephalitis vaccine before traveling to any parts of Asia. Do you need travel shots in NY? Contact Travel Clinic of New York City - 212-686-5835.

Monday, April 15, 2019

All you Need to Know about Hepatitis A Vaccine

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection that is caused by hepatitis A virus. It can range from a mild illness lasting for a few weeks to a major illness lasting for several months. Hepatitis A usually takes place through the ingestion of food or water or close contact with someone who is already infected.

Travel vaccines in New York are recommended to folks who are planning to travel outside the country. There are diseases like Hepatitis A which are very common in the areas you are traveling in. Hence it is important to visit a clinic and get vaccinations before you start traveling.

Mentioned below are facts you should know about Hepatitis A vaccines.

What is Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a severe disease that is caused by the hepatitis A virus. This virus spreads from person to person through contact with the people who are already infected. You can also get hepatitis A from food, water, or objects contaminated with HAV.

Symptoms of Hepatitis A consist of the following:
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Stomach pain
Where can you catch hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A occurs worldwide but is very common in places with poor sanitation and lack of safe water and food. Some of the places where there are high risks of hepatitis A consist of Africa, Asia, and South America.

What is the hepatitis A vaccine?
Hepatitis A vaccines are of two types:

The hepatitis A vaccine: This vaccine protects infants, children, and adults from hepatitis A

The hepatitis A and B combination vaccine: This vaccine protects adults from both hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

When should you not get Hepatitis A vaccine?

You should not get hepatitis A vaccine if:
  • If you have severe life-threatening allergies
  • If you are not feeling well
  • Wait until you recover.
How can you pay for hepatitis A vaccines?

Did you know that there are various health insurance plans that cover your vaccines for both children and adults? Moreover, if you do not have any health insurance, you can still get vaccinated. Also, you may be able to get vaccinations at no cost or low cost.

Before getting travel shots, make sure you gather all the information. Consult a doctor if necessary. Are you looking for travel vaccine in NYC, then get in touch with Travel Clinic. They are specialized in various services related to health which includes vaccines and other wellness services.


Traveling can be challenging especially when you are traveling to a disease prone country. Thus, it’s crucial to get all the travel vaccine in New York before getting on the flight.
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