Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why Get Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis is a serious liver disease that can lead to mild or lifelong illness. Depending on a patient’s condition, it can last for several weeks. That’s why people often get the Hepatitis B vaccine in New York or near their homes to protect themselves from this deadly infection.

 There are Two Types Of Hepatitis Infection


Acute Hepatitis B infection- It’s a short-term infection that can cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, appetite loss, vomiting, yellow skin or eyes, nausea, and pain in joints, stomach, or muscles.


Chronic Hepatitis B infection- It’s a long-term infection caused when a virus remains in a patient’s body. Some people don’t notice signs or symptoms. But it’s a serious life-threatening disease that can lead to liver damage, liver cancer, or even death. Also, a person chronically infected with this virus can spread this infection to others even if they don’t feel any signs of illness.


How Does it Spread?


This infection can spread to other people via blood, semen, or other body fluids. As it is highly contagious, people traveling to any area or country with a high risk of developing this infection should call any travel clinic near them to get Hepatitis B Immunization in NYC

A person can become infected with the Hepatitis B virus in the following ways:

·        A pregnant woman infected with this infection can spread it to her newborn child.

·        People can get it if they share their items like razors or toothbrushes with an infected person.

·        An infected person can spread this infection to others by contact with blood or open sores.

·        Sex with a person infected with this infection can also make you infected.

·        Sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection instruments with an infected person can increase the risk of developing this infection.

It is an undeniable proverb that prevention is always better than cure! Hence, getting the Hepatitis B vaccine in New York is important if you have never had this vaccination!



Traveling can be challenging especially when you are traveling to a disease prone country. Thus, it’s crucial to get all the travel vaccine in New York before getting on the flight.
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